Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Sister's Wedding Weekend

What a BUSY but FUN weekend!!! My sister got married on Sunday May 29th and she is now sitting in Jamaica (and I am jealous!). Lots happened this weekend.

I left work early on Friday and went to get my nails done. It was so relaxing! We all decided to go to the movies Friday night.  The girls went to see Bridesmaids and the boys went to see The Hangover 2. When we got to the movies (late of course) the hangover was sold out so the boys went to play pool. Bridesmaids was hysterical. Funniest movie I've seen in forever!! So glad we went and were able to laugh!!

Saturday I ran around all morning looking for water shoes for Travis. He was going to be spending the day with my friend Jenn on Sunday while we were at the wedding and he was going to be outside swimming and running around. Didn't find water shoes but we did get Toy Story sandals that can get wet. We stopped and ate lunch at the mall with my mom.

Cee Cee and Travis eat ice cream

After the mall I raced home and got ready for the wedding rehersal and dinner. We went to Carson's Creekside for dinner. It was wonderful!! I have tons of great pictures from Saturday night but I need to get them off my camera :(

Sunday was the BIG DAY!!! It was an evening wedding so we had all morning to relax. Travis decided the lawn needed mowing. So it was nice of him to take care of that for me ;)

Move out of the way Jake!

I had a hair appointment at 2. Steve was supposed to drop me off but of course Travis fell asleep right at 1:30. My dad came to the rescue and picked me up. I think he was glad to have something to do. lol! After hair we went to my parents house, did our makeup and we were ready to go!! The wedding went smooth and the reception was sooooo much fun. I danced for 4 hours straight and was a sweaty mess but had so much fun. Best wedding I've been too EVER! Here are a few pictures:

Myself, Emily. Mandy and Jill

They did it!!!

Wedding Party

Travis stayed with my friend Jenn and her son Tyler. They went to a birthday party for another friend. There was a pool, trampoline and swingset there so Travis was in heavan. Jenn said he did great!! I am so grateful for her watching him.

New trick: Hands in the pockets.
He looks so sad that I am not there ;)

Monday was a lazy day. It was so HOT out. We eventually got ourselves moving and went to a friends boat. The marina had a small beach and playground. Travis had a great time!

Wearing my shades
This popsicle melted super fast

What a fantastic weekend!!! I am so tired. I went to bed at 12:30 last night and got up at 6. Blah!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just like Daddy

Steve wears sweat bands on his wrists when he plays sports. Travis now has to wear one. When ever we leave the house :) He is also wearing daddy's hat.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend in Review

Had a great weekend! Started off Thursday with weather that looked like this:

 Once I got home from work the power went out so we went to Chick Fila for dinner. We did some shopping at Kohls and got stuck in the store when another HUGE storm came through.

Travis loves puzzles and recently he has been turning the pieces over and trying to do the puzzle that way. I think he needs more complicated puzzles.

Friday we went up to the carnival at the local church. It was the first time Travis rode the rides and did not scream. In fact he loved the rides. I was so proud! I stood there screaming his name and waving like a nut!

 Saturday we played outside all day. My sister and I washed our cars (Travis helped) and then we had a cookout. After dinner we walked back up to the carnival for some more fun.

 Sunday Travis and I both slept in. Until NOON!!! If my phone would not of rung I would of slept longer. This is Travis at noon. He always ends up scrunched in the same corner of his crib. Every morning.

I got Travis' 2 year old pictures taken on Sunday. Also bought myself two cute dresses at 70% off . It was a good weekend!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life's just not FAIR!

We were driving home from dinner last night and pulled into our street. Travis is in the back seat and starts to cry. Steve asked him what was wrong. Travis says "OH NO! GO BYE BYE IN MAMMA CAR. GO OCEAN!" He wanted to go back to Ocean City. When we got out of the car to go inside the house he stood at the front door and cried. My neighboor Chip pulled up and Travis told him "Chip Chip I go bye bye Twav go Ocean?" Poor guy......

One person I do know that he will miss is Jake. He missed him so much while we were away. He was happy to see him Sunday.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Try a new recipe - 30 before 30

One of my goals is to try out some new recipes. I have a calender at home that has a differnt recipe each month. Since we are in the 5th month of the year and I have YET to make any of the recipes I decided to try out March's BBQ Chicken Taco's. I kind of did a variation of the recipe on the calendar but here is what I did:

Took a pack of the Perdue Shortcuts Grilled chicken and seasoned it in Taco seasoning.

Heated up a bag of frozen red and green bell pepper strips.

Using the stand and stuff taco shells, stand them up in a 9 X 13 baking dish.

Fill each shell with chicken, then peppers

Now the good part.....squeeze some Sweet baby Rays BBQ sauce on each taco.

Top with Colby Jack cheese

Bake at 400 degrees until cheese is melted

This is what you get.......

And they were soooo good!!! Travis even liked them. Steve loved them.

Variations for next time:
I will add jalepeno's to mine
Maybe a side of sour cream?
Could also make it a burrito type meal using soft shells
Or a chicken nacho using tortilla chips......

ALSO it took me about 6 mins to prepare and 5 mins to cook. TOTAL 15 MINS!!!

Mini OC trip

We spent last weekend in Ocean City, MD. I took off work on Friday and we drove down and arrived around 2. We were able to check into the hotel and then after grabbing something to eat we hit the beach. The weather was about 70 and perfect. The beach was all ours and it worked great because I did not have to worry about Travis kicking sand on other people or god forbid step on their blankets ;)

My mother and father in law met us down there with my youngest neice Kiersten. Also my friend Jen came down with her crazy 9 year old son (I say crazy because he got in the water!). We spent the weekend playing on the beach and splashing in the indoor pool. Travis became and expert at using the pool steps and then jumping off the side. It turned out to be such a relaxing weekend for me. I love the beach and could sit out there all day. Travis discovered the joy of collecting shells and chasing seagulls.

I love the shot below. Steve and Travis look like twins.

Travis first Orioles Game 5/12/11

We started off our long weekend by going to a Baltimore Orioles game on Thursday night. I thought Travis would last maybe two hours tops (Only because I knew they had a playground there). But he lasted 12 YES 12 innings (game went into extra innings and the O's won!). I was so proud of him. He is such a good baby. He just loves being around other people. He cheered along with everyone else.

Showing Daddy his tongue
 I have to say that Oriole Park at Camden Yards is pretty kid friendly. There is fair amount of things for the kids to do there. I really enjoy going and they partically give you the seats for free. There were so many kids there. Even newborns in infant carriers.

There is also a little playground. Pretty basic just some climbing and a slide. Travis played there for about an hour. I think it really tired him out.

Side note: See that kid on the slide above Travis? He kept screaming at me "Hey LADY WATCH MEEE!!!!" It is weird to me when other kids ask me to watch them. Where are their moms? I did not see this kids parents anywhere. Until we were leaving. Then his dad came over in crocs and PJ pants. Ughhh.

*And by OTHER kids I mean kids I DON'T know. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

"sand box"

I get a call from Steve while I am at work yesterday telling me he wants to buy Travis a sandbox or sand table or sand and water table. He wasn't sure what he wanted. So he went to Toys R Us and called me again making me look up a bunch of different options online. I was super busy and work and just told him to pick the one he liked. He ended up just buying a small plastic pool ($5 on sale) and some sand ($10) and for $15 total this is what we got:

"Wook it sandbox"

Totally works, right?!?!! Travis told everyone on the street that he had a sandbox he was so into it.

Travis also got a new pair of Toy Story light up shoes. I don't think there is a more perfect pair of shoes for my child. He was so excited to wear them that he was walking around looking at his feet....and bumping into stuff left and right ;)

Here are some more pictures from last night. We played catch (Steve and I) for about 30 mins and let me tell you my arm is SORE!! Also please note (or ignore) the fact that my husband is wearing socks and sandals. Keepin it classy!

Running down the hill

Mid throw

So I am off work tomorrow and we are taking a mini vacation. Also we are thinking about going to the Orioles game tonight and taking Travis. Might be a bad idea but Steve assured me we can leave if Trav gets antsy.

Have a fun weekend everyone (and by everyone I mean Kristen and Kelly and maybe my mom because that is all who read this! HA!)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope all the mom's had a good mothers day! I had a busy but fun day. Ended the day by walking up to the snowball stand with all my neighboors, Travis and 3 dogs. Great ending to a fun day!

Never again.....

Will I allow my child to sit in this:

It started out fine. He was so excited to sit in the car at BJ's. Beeping the horns, turning the wheels. Then he wanted out....but would not sit in the regular cart at that point. So I told him he could walk as long as he held my hand. That lasted for maybe 5 mins. I have to admit is wasn't that bad he stayed 'near' us (me, my mom and sister). But then he would run off and I would chase him and tell him he had to go back in the cart. He would shout as loud as he could "NO BACK IN CART!" So from now on we are not even offering the car cart. LOL!!

*Funny story-while in BJ's Travis picked up a container of 500+ pretzels and told me "Here, Daddy like dis (this)." LOL!!!

I got this Mom!

Saturday we went to my moms work for a fundraiser. They have an awesome playground for kids there! I was so proud of Travis because he actually went through a tunnel and down a tunnel slide. He was always so nervous about tunnels. He made a friend at the playground and I guess he realized if he wanted to keep up with her he would have to use the tunnel. :) I was so proud!

Cool sandbox

Not the most graceful exit!

Sliding down the tunnel slide

"IceCream Store"

Friday I took some time to myself and went to the mall ALL ALONE after work. And let me say it was amazing! I was able to use some of my birthday money and get some work clothes.

When I came home Steve had done all the laundry and cleaned the house. So awesome!! After dinner my night got even better. We tried out the new icecream shop up the street. By the Scoop has homemade ice cream, dessert and waffle cones. They had berger cookie, tasteycake, twix and about 15 other flavors. It is set up like a 1950's icecream parlor and even has little tables and chairs for the kids. The entire back wall is covered with a chalkboard for the kids to write on. Travis kept saying "IceCream IceCream sooooo good!" He also told us he was at the "IceCream Store." This is going to be a favorite spot for the summer.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sunny Days....chasing the clouds away....

The weather here is so crazy.One day it is 90 degrees the next day it is cold and rainy. Yesterday was freezing and raining. We went to Storyville at the library for about an hour last night before dinner.

Today it a little chilly but we were still able to play outside Travis had spent all day at the park with his daddy. When I got home we went to explore the backyard. Travis loves it out back. I feel kind of bad because I don't really have any fun toys out back.....but Travis really doesn't mind. He likes to run and pick 'flowers' (dandilions) and play with his best buddy Jake.

I have an old fashioned wizard of oz cellar doors in the back that need to be painted ;/ But Travis was practicing running up and down the hill.

This is my sad little garden....I am not sure what to do with it. I used to have bushes lining the back fence but the blizzard a couple of years ago really destroyed them. So we ripped them out and now I am left with this

Travis sat of Steve's bike . He thought it was so cool.