Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Baltimore Zoo

Last weekend we went to the zoo. Travis loved all the animals especially the elephants. He was very interested in seeing everything  there!! We had a blast.


Last night we decided to paint our pumpkins instead of carving. It was so much fun and I wish we had more colors to use!! I think I found my true calling in life. HAHA!!

My swan I painted on a gord


My Ravens pumpkin

Pink! We ran out of white so it did not turn out how I wanted. Plus it started dripping

Travis painted his ALL the colors but it kind of turned out brown....he had a blast though

Mandy's painting her hippie pumpkin

Flower power
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


My hair has been shedding like crazy!!! Yesterday a piece of my hair ended up on Travis' arm. He very carefully picked it off and looked at me and said: "Oh no Mom your hair BROKE!!"

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I love Travis' imagination lately. He is always pretending to be an animal. Last night he was a pig named Rissy or Sissy or something I couldn't really understand what he was trying to say. He gets so into his animal characters. When I ask him a question he will say "Yes OINK!" HAHA!! I love it.

We played hide and seek. He was a pig, I was a frog. He would hide in the same spots that I did and had a really hard time keeping his eyes closed while I hid. It was the cutest thing ever.

Can't believe how creative and big he is getting :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weber's Farm

Today we took a last minute trip to Weber's Farm after work. We had a great time playing, sliding, hayriding and animal watching....


Giant Pumpkin

Baby maze

His own tractor!


In the BIG maze!

HAHA!! Our attempt at a cute photo op but Travis looks scared!

3 footer!

Ice Cream for dinner :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

One Last OC trip

We headed down to OC, MD for one last beach day before 2011 was over. We started off the trip by meeting my parents at Harborside for dinner and drinks. I love it there, the food is great and you can't beat the view!
Travis plays with the sugar packets at all restarunts!

Cee Cee and Boss!

My new fave picture!
The next day we hit up the beach for about 3 hours. It was so nice out and perfect beach weather. We did not get in the water except Travis did end up being soaked when he got knocked down by a wave. Of course he didn't seem to care.

That night we went to Dead Freddies for dinner. We were hoping to eat outside but they had it closed. We are inside but went outside to play after. They gave Travis a pirate eye patch. We could not believe he wore it the entire time. He kept saying "ARRR MATEY!!!" HAHA!

Sliding...except this was steps and not a slide

Pirate family

Obnoxious mom in the background

Everytime he sees a crocadile he says "tick tock!" because of Captain Hook

Cute of Travis weird of Steve and I

That night we visited my parents friends awesome house in DE. The next day we hit up the boardwalk, did some outlet shopping and did not get home until 9:30. I love vacation....wish summer didn't have to end!

Redneck Party Ya'll!

My neighbor Chuck turned thirty so his wife threw him a redneck bash!!! I was a little out of control off of two beers and a keg stand....but what else is new. We all had to dress up in our best redneck outfit! We ended up having a blast.
This is scary!!

My brother in law on karoke!

1st time doing this guess I can cross it off my 30 b4 30?

Hitched a ride on the bday brother in law was excited!

Hi I'm the one with 15 chins!

Dan singing Vanilla Ice. ...why drunken nights always turn to this?

Yeee hawwww

It's my birthday!

Bud light cake and newspaper duct tape table cloths!

Our go to pose!

Typical Sunday

Sunday's are so much fun around here. Every week we have a Raven's party on our deck! Everyone pitches in and brings a dish over to share. We have a great time! Loving the weather and hope it stays like this for a little longer....

My boys! Travis plate is usually 100% chips and cookies.

My lovely neighbor and soon to be neighbor/sister

Thanks Josh for being the only to act like they scored!

Ok that's better!
Love my little Essex neighborhood!