Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Travis Lately.....

Travis has been so easy lately. He is old enough to go upstairs and play by himself for hours. Sometimes he doesnt even want us to play with him and creates his own stories/scenarios with his cars. The other day he was upstairs and Steve and I had not heard a sound out of him for awhile. Steve went upstairs and found him asleep in his lighting mcqueen tent he got for Christmas. He had put his pillow pet and blanket in there also. So funny and cute! He really loves that tent.

We have been working on potty training since Saturday. Travis is doing great!! Much better then ever before. He still does not tell us that he has to go but he will go everytime we sit him on the potty. I told him I am not taking diapers with us to Myrtle Beach. He really wants to go with his cousins so I think I scared him into going to the potty. Plus he gets a sticker and a treat everytime he goes. I counted all the stickers tonight and he has 13 since Sunday!! Woo Hooo!! I am really excited with his progress. Maybe no more diapers by Feb?

My Aunt gave Steve this funny leggo man flashlight as a gag Christmas gift. Travis insisted on wearing it the other night while we made cupcakes so he could "see."

The other night I put Travis in his Penguin PJs that he wore on Christmas Eve. He woke up the next morning yelling "SANTA CAME!!!!" I came in his room and told him that is was not christmas. He looked so sad and said "But I wear my Christmas jammies" :/ Poor guy guess we are not wearing them anymore.

1 comment:

  1. OMG such cute stories! Isn't this age soooo much fun?! :) The things he comes up with are awesome...such the imagination :)
