Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I enjoy.....

-Travis saying "oh my gosh" and then telling a story....he's done it twice and both times I had to stifle a laugh

-Extremely hot walks in the summer. I no longer take a stroller. Travis half walks and half skips HALF the way. I hold him the other half....but my arms are getting buff. HA!

-A clean house..although mine rarely is....

-Junky reality TV. Basically the Real Housewives of NY.

-When other people hysterical laugh. I laugh too even if I don't know what is funny.

-The 'please' 'thank yous' and 'i'm sorry's' from Travis. He thanks people for things that happened hours ago. Example my father in law was vacumming the pool the other day before we swam. Hours later Travis went over to him and said 'Thanks for cleaning pool Pop-Pop' on his own....he is a nice person.

-SUMMER!! I am going to be so sad when it is over.

Anywayzzzz Happy Tuesday!!

Also I love comments. I've noticed I have had a ton of page views but not a ton of comments! Let me know if you are out there!!!

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