Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weekend in Review: I took no pictures

I literally did not take one picture all weekend! Oh well. Friday we had a couple of people over for a bon fire. I was in bed by 10 though. I was so tired from no sleep all week. I have no idea why I am having so much trouble sleeping lately!

Saturday Travis and I went to the mall, ate pizza and got a haircut. The lady spiked his hair!! OMG! So cute. After the mall was Uncle Matt's graduation party. My baby danced all night long! He was a sweaty tired mess by the time we got home.

Sunday we went to breakfast with some old and new neighbors. I say new because my sister and brother in law bought the house 4 doors down from us. YAY YAY YAYYYYY!!!!! I am so excited. I can't wait until they move in. The rest of Sunday was spent being lazy.... and playing angry birds. Obsessed!

I do have a couple of pictures from this week.

This was Travis on Monday night. Playing cars. But he was making the cars talk to each other and to him. The cars would ask him if Travis wanted to play and Travis would say "SURE!!" it was really cute.

Also I found a full cup of juice in the drawer in the kitchen. No idea how long it had been there. YUCK!!

Steve took this last picture yesterday. He said Travis said in the car with his keys and shades. Steve took him for a ride in the street. So cute!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we're going to live 4 doors down from each other! WOW! I can't wait for the cousins to grow up togehter!! :-)
