Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mark your calendars people....

September 28, 2011

Travis went Pee-Pee in the Potty!!!

I don't think he's ever seen me so excited!!

I made up a Pee-Pee song...."Pee-Pee in the POTTTYYY!!!! Pee-Pee in the POTTTYYYYY!!!!!!

And he jumped on my bed while I sang...over and over again :)

I am a proud mama!

Daddy was really proud too!

And Travis went up to Jake and said "I pee-pee in potty, little pup!!"

I think Jake was also proud!!

Let's hope this is the beginning of the end of diapers....fingers crossed......

Devil dog eyes


  1. So Proud of Trav!!! Yay!!

    Love the Red background girl!!

  2. Yay!!! I made up a chart of like 30 blocks and every time the girls used the potty, they got to put a star on the chart. When they filled up the chart, they got a toy that they wanted. It really helped keep them using the potty once they had started.
