Saturday, December 10, 2011

30 Months

Dear Travis,

Tommorrow I will have the pleasure of knowing you for 30 months or 2 1/2 years. Hard to believe, so hard to believe.

Since your 2nd Birthday your speech has improved 100million percent. I love that you can talk to me on the phone now. I call you everyday at work just to talk because I feel like the biggest jerk ever for having to work. The other day when I called you, you told me that Daddy had pee-peed in your bed. A BIG ONE! I have no idea what you were talking about but I laughed so hard. Everyday when I get home from work you come running over and ask "Mommy I miss me?" It's kind of backwards but I know what you mean :)

You also say "No thank you" to everything. Me: "Travis help me clean up your toys." You: "No thank you!"  You are so serious and polite when you say it that I usually just smile and say "Ok."

Speaking of toys....holy moly you love your cars. I am talking hours of non stop car playing. Your cars talk to each other. There are good guys and bad guy cars. You love the bad guys. The bad guys go in my purse everywhere we go. Sometimes we will be out and you just want to go home and play your cars. We have acquired a collection of cars from our twice weekly Target trips. A new $1.07 car is used to bribe you into sitting in the cart. It has gotten so bad that we now are starting to get doubles of some cars.

The "Why" stage is here in full force. Everything I say and do gets a "WHY?" from you. And sometimes my answer to the why is not enough and I get a second why. I owe it to you to try to explain "why" because you are asking because you want to know. You love learning new things and once you are taught once you catch on very quickly.

You are so excited about the holidays. Halloween was pure heaven for you!! You now love Reese Peanut Butter cups since you got your first taste from you pumpkin bucket. So that is our leverage for potty training. A poopy in the potty gets a "Peanut butter snack" as you call it. So far you have gotten one :/ it is def a work in progress.

I can't wait to see you on Christmas morning. I think Santa is really going to blow your mind!!!!

You make everyday entertaining and exciting. Your daddy and I love you so much. We have this game we play were we make you snuggle with mommy or daddy and then we call daddy or mommy in the room and ask if they are jealous. And I am always jealous of daddy's snuggle time with you!



  1. This just melts my heart!!

    Travis is cutest, brightest, funniest kid around!!

    Love you Travis!!!

  2. This brought me to tears! What sweet, sweet words from momma to son. Thank you for your kind words oour blog...following you back! :)

  3.'s so clear how much Travis means to you <3 you are such a GREAT mom!!!
