Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter. Started off by going to see the Easter Bunny on saturday. Travis has been asking me to go see him. We got to the mall and he screamed when it was his turn to sit on the bunnies lap. Oh well. The rest of the day he kept telling me "OH NO Twav cry with Easter Bunny." LOL!!
Momy and Travis after the Bunny "incident"

Sunday we started off by going to my inlaws to open presents and play. Came home and napped and then went to my parents. Travis is spoiled and got alot of Buzz and Woodies. :)

So excited that he got buzz

We tried. So hard to get all of them to look normal. HA!

"Take my picture with the bunny.."


  1. we really need to get Jocelyn and "Twav" together for a playdate! They would be so cute to watch and listen to!
    Glad you had a great Easter :)

  2. Seriously!!! I think they would get along great!
