Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lunch break

I am currently reading Sam's Letters to Jenifer by James Patterson. Such a good book.....the only downfall of a good book is I can't get anything done at home if I have a good book that I know needs reading.  So I leave my books at work for lunch time.
My husband packed my lunch today and let me a love note on my napkin. So cute and fun! I am going to do this for Travis until he is way too embarrassed and asks me to stop.
Well this is my first post from my phone let's see how it works :)


  1. it worked! and the love letter is so cute!!! i send letters to lunch with Tyler sometimes, too ;) He might be at the "MOOOooommmm...." stage, but I don't care ;)

  2. I wrote a note every day on my daughters' napkins that I put in their lunch. One day after years of writing them, I forgot to write a note for some reason, I can't remember now, and they both came home that day and said they had missed reading their napkins that day! I never forgot again!
